Join us to learn more about Jene’ Stewart, as we chat and learn more about her journey with THRIVE:

Hi Jene! Can you start us off today by sharing your favorite piece of advice? I have the utmost respect for the Golden Rule of treating others as you want to be treated.  It applies to all aspects of life, as does another mantra I live by:  Over, Under, Around, or Through

What do you enjoy doing when you’re not at work or helping in THRIVE?   Enjoy my family!  I have 2 extremely athletic sons and I love nothing more than to watch them do what they love – I may or may not be know for being the loudest cheerleader in the stands as well 😉

You’ve been such a great addition to our THRIVE HIVE. Can you share, what is your favorite thing about THRIVE? The mission of the organization is authentic.  Recognizing the need to support women, providing a space to openly share opportunities, resources, community and networks is invaluable for professional growth.  Women face unique challenges in the quest for work-life balance, are intensely passionate about professional development, and are eager to earn a seat at the table.  THRIVE addresses these areas with proper tone and amazing support.  

Where do you live?  Troy, IL (just outside of St. Louis)

Before we go, what drives your passion for the travel industry?

I have so many stories to share, life in the travel industry is super colorful, and most share a common theme – the people.  This is a HUGE industry that literally spans the globe, yet the camaraderie of this incredibly tight-knit community is undeniable.  I cannot name the number of random cities I have been, either on assignment, task force, daily duty, conference, training, or enjoying vacation when I have ‘bumped into’ a colleague.  The passion for service and meaningful connection that every employee in the hospitality space exhibits is unmatched.  It is true when they say that ‘hospitality is in my veins”.  We are a rare breed, which is why you cross paths so often with former teammates and business partners.  The teamwork and mutual respect for the effort of each contributor runs deep and truly builds bonds that stand the test of time.  The relationships I have built because of my experience in hospitality (including finding my soulmate) is my favorite story about my time in the travel industry.

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